The Team Answers the Question, What Is AI-as-a-Service?

The company known for redefining intermodal tracking solutions explores the use of AI (artificial intelligence) and OCR (optical character recognition) software as a service.

AI-as-a-service allows businesses of all sizes to harness the power of artificial intelligence without requiring in-house expertise or infrastructure. Netarus’ SiteTrax is a trendsetter in AI-as-a-Service, offering low-cost new intermodal tracking solutions that can transform a company, organization, or industry.

“A platform is only as good as its data.”

User-Friendly AI and OCR and the Supply Chain

SiteTrax is an innovative tool that features a sensor-based data collection platform that allows businesses to remotely monitor and manage their assets. It is compatible with products such as Power BI and YardSpot, allowing for simple integration with existing systems and data visualization.

SiteTrax’s ability to collect and analyze copious amounts of data from various sources is one of its key advantages. This information can be used to make more informed decisions about asset maintenance and management, resulting in cost savings and increased efficiency.

Another benefit of SiteTrax is its user-friendly interface, which makes it simple to access data and insights. This enables businesses to quickly identify and address issues without requiring specialized knowledge.

Putting SiteTrax’s AI-as-a-Service to Work for You

The SiteTrax AI-as-a-Service platform simplifies the capture of intermodal container ID and geolocation using OCR (optical character recognition) from any compatible camera. Furthermore, the convenient Android app or virtual gate option offers a slew of features, including the ability to use OCR to discern and identify details like whether the object is an international or domestic intermodal container or a chassis.

Using virtually any mobile device or SiteTrax’s latest virtual gate solution, a company can capture container assets in near real-time. What is more, once an asset is captured, the ID and geolocation can be easily transferred to any public, enterprise, or distributed database, such as Yard Management Systems (YMS) or Terminal Operating Systems (TOS). That is, AI-as-a-Service is not only simple to use and requires little training; it is also quick, convenient, and highly accurate.

What is AI-as-a-Service?

AI-as-a-Service refers to delivering artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities over the internet as a cloud-based service. It allows organizations to use AI technologies without having to build and maintain the infrastructure or acquire the expertise required to develop and deploy AI applications. Although this is a dry and technical definition, AI-as-a-Service is quickly becoming a popular term and a sought-after solution to a variety of problems.

AI-as-a-Service can be provided in different forms, such as:

  • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): This model allows users to access AI applications through a web browser.
  • Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS): This model provides a platform for developers to build, evaluate, and deploy their own AI applications.
  • Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS): This model provides the infrastructure and hardware resources required to run AI applications, such as servers, storage, and networking.

Taking Your Data to the Next Level with Visualization Tools

SiteTrax not only provides a clever and cost-effective method of accurately tracking the location and status of assets, but shippers, carriers, and logistics providers can further optimize their operations and reduce the risk of delays and lost cargo by utilizing products like Microsoft’s Power BI, Tableau, and YardSpot.

Visualizing Data with Microsoft Power BI:

Microsoft Power BI is a data visualization and business intelligence tool developed by Microsoft. It allows users to easily create interactive and visually appealing reports and dashboards from a variety of data sources, including SiteTrax asset information. With Power BI, users can quickly and easily gain insights from their SiteTrax data by creating charts, graphs, and other visualizations to highlight trends and patterns.
One of the main benefits of Power BI is its ability to connect to a wider range of data sources, including Excel spreadsheets, SQL databases, and cloud-based services like SiteTrax. Visit Microsoft’s Power BI website to learn more.

Visualizing Data with Tableau:

Tableau is a visual analytics platform that is revolutionizing the way data is used to solve problems by enabling individuals and organizations to make the most of their data. Their analytics platform makes it easier for people to explore and manage data, as well as faster to discover and share insights that can change businesses and the world.

SiteTrax provides that data easily and quickly, allowing businesses to align data and analytics to business outcomes, prioritize data in decision-making, and unite a business around a shared mission to lead with data. Visit the Tableau website to see if Tableau’s analytics platform is a good fit for your company.

Visualizing Data with Splice’ YardSpot:

SiteTrax is also compatible with YardSpot’s integrated yard management system. Yard Spot is a Splice-powered yard management system that combines multiple data sources to create a single, real-time operational picture. Yard Spot, when used with SiteTrax, displays location data for finding equipment quickly and easily, and it helps prioritize movements for dispatch operations. This winning combination allows organizations to reduce turn times, avoid detention fees, and increase yard productivity. To learn more about YardSpot, click here. is The future of AI-as-a-Service

SiteTrax’s asset object detection and OCR offer the most up-to-date intermodal tracking solutions for shippers, carriers, logistics providers, and others, and AI-as-a-Service is at the heart of those solutions and will continue to be so in the foreseeable future. SiteTrax, powered by Netarus, is at the forefront of this technological advancement and invites businesses of all sizes to visit or contact them to learn more about how SiteTrax’s technology can help with intermodal asset tracking and management.

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