A third-party logistics company, or 3PL for short, had seen its business spike with growth in the intermodal shipping container supply chain. The trucking and drayage provider serving ports on the U.S. East Coast was in high demand as container imports surged in 2021. At its facility in Chesapeake, Virginia, the number of containers in its yard reached previously unthought levels. The location, made up of four separate yards and almost 16 acres, was bursting at the seams.
This case study shares how SiteTrax’s OCR (Optical Character Recognition) platform and data captured can significantly improve the operations, productivity and even the morale of an organization. Once the SiteTrax data (picture of the container, ID, time and location) is incorporated into the customer’s Yard Management System (YMS) called YardSpot.io in order for them to visualize the data, the results speak for themselves:
- Decreased truck turn-times by up to six times faster
- Decreased yard checks by 1/3
- Saved the back office staff an average of 3 hours per day
- and more…
To learn more how SiteTrax’s data created by OCR increases productivity while reducing stress in intermodal shipping, click the download link below.

Watch a video presentation of this case study from IANA 2022:
Special thank you to Splyc, LLC with their YMS solution called YardSpot and Service Transfer, Inc. (STI) for their participation in this case study.