Beyond the Gate: Revolutionizing Inventory Tracking with SiteTrax

SiteTrax CEO, Chris Machut, shares insights into the company's cutting-edge technology that is redefining visibility in the market.

The journey beyond the gate has long been a neglected frontier in yard management. As the CEO of SiteTrax, I’ve made it my mission to redefine this landscape to shine a light on the pain points between the moment goods pass through the threshold and their ultimate destination.

Conventional inventory monitoring techniques have been lacking in many respects because they rely heavily on digital transfers and manual entry. Each time a number is manually entered, there’s a chance for error –– a risk that grows with every transaction.

Made to Go Mobile

SiteTrax is changing all of that. We’re not merely providing small fixes but completely reimagining the potential of asset-based revenue businesses. By pairing data from both fixed and mobile solutions, we’re providing a level of visibility that’s unprecedented in the industry.

First to Pair Gate and Yard-Gathering Data

At SiteTrax we’ve developed what we like to call a “device-agnostic” approach which means that data can be gathered from any camera-capable device, maximizing flexibility and customization for our clients. But the true innovation lies in our ability to seamlessly integrate gate and yard data in near real-time. With SiteTrax, our clients can track proof of pickup and drop-off, monitor the location of inventory within the yard, and do so whether the gate is staffed or unstaffed.

Revenue Unleashed

With SiteTrax’s innovation, we’re not just making cents off of what others overlook; we are unlocking dollars for our clients by redefining the very foundation of inventory tracking. In a world where AI and sophisticated operating systems are becoming the norm, good data is more important than ever. By quickly, easily, and affordably delivering that high-quality data, SiteTrax is poised to be the cornerstone upon which the future of supply chain management is built.

Our revenue model knows no bounds. Unlike traditional solutions constrained by gate, device, location, or time, SiteTrax offers unlimited potential for growth and expansion. We’re not just redefining visibility in the market; we are unleashing the full potential of inventory tracking.

The Third Annual Interos Supply Chain Survey lists as one of its recommendations that companies need to “Invest in continuous, multi-tier supply chain risk visibility.”[1] SiteTrax provides exactly that.

Our technology lets companies of all sizes utilize the data that helps power AI systems to address problem areas and provide comprehensive visibility. This visibility translates into greater efficiency, cost savings, and overall performance throughout the supply chain.

The gate is no longer the last frontier in inventory management. Companies can break free from the constraints of conventional approaches and usher in a new era of productivity, accuracy, and profitability with SiteTrax leading the way. There is a world of opportunities beyond the gate, and the journey has only just begun with SiteTrax.



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